Choosing a Great Research Topic

The first step to a successful research paper is in choosing a great topic. If your topic is dull, your reader will not be excited about learning more, and neither will you. But if what you have picked is a good one, you will appreciate the process, which often translates to a paper that your reader will also enjoy.

So read on to know how to choose a great topic.

  1. Do some initial research
    It is hard to choose if you do not know what is out there. So the first step is to read about potential fields of interest so that you have an idea of what has been done already, what people are thinking about doing, and anything else in between.
  2. Select something you like
    When you are given a choice, it always makes sense to pick something of interest to you. If you enjoy the topic, then reading and writing about it becomes much easier. Some try to hit two birds with one stone by researching something that may help in the future. Business students who are interested in stock trading, for example, may choose a topic connected to this.
  3. Ensure it is relevant
    If what you like is not relevant, you may have to pick something different. Though teachers do allow students to choose, they still have the final say. So if your topic is out-of-this-world, you may have to think again.

Some topics for you

Now, if you need some help jumpstarting the thought process, consider some of the following.

The Family

  • Is it inflation, lifestyle, or ambition that causes both parents to work?
  • Can parents really discipline their young children without spanking?
  • How are children coping with parents moving away to work?
  • How long can spouses survive in long-distance relationships?
  • How do children feel about their half-brothers and half-sisters?
  • Can parents really control what websites their children look at?
  • How bad is substance abuse today for children under 12?
  • Is social media driving siblings apart?

Entertainment and Sports

  • Are athletes from particular disciplines better role models than those in other sports?
  • Hollywood versus Bollywood: Similarities and differences
  • Are Americanized versions of foreign films better?
  • Do people enjoy dubbed versions of films more than reading the subtitles?
  • Are YouTube stars considered true celebrities by teens today?
  • How “real” is reality TV?
  • Are game shows rigged?
  • Do people prefer traditional sports on TV or newer options?

Art and Literature

  • Is it possible to survive full-time as an artist without working for a company?
  • A look at the artwork the Nazis stole
  • Analyzing the modern masterpieces of the 21st century
  • Do poets consider rap as a true form of poetry?
  • The elements of award-winning photographs
  • How is technology affecting museums?
  • A closer look at famous art forgeries
  • Is it really necessary for young children to have art classes?


An important key to a great research paper is selecting your topic. So remember the tips above as you pick something for your study. Happy writing!